
Good Reads 推薦閱讀


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
花樣女醫白袍叢林生存記:一起哭,一起笑,一起LOVE 劉宗瑀(小劉醫師) MF J0-08 緹娜、之之、小莎,三個性格、外貌截然不同的女孩,不約而同闖入以男性為大宗的醫學系白袍叢林,卻沒想到身處萬綠叢中,女醫學生竟一點都不受歡迎,聯誼處處碰壁! 只能哀怨的洗整個暑假的大體(!),與寄生蟲當好朋友(!!)……不知把教授氣暈幾百回後,終於成為醫院的最大「路障」醫生。 深入白袍叢林,一路更是關卡重重!她們不只要應付世人對女醫師的諸多偏見,之之面對情緒勒索的偏執狂母親,幾乎要犧牲自己的一切; 小莎一改女王風範,被劈腿成性的醫師渣男迷得團團轉;緹娜對未來的科別志向感到茫然,更哀嘆月老不眷顧……所幸,她們仍有彼此,在友情、愛情與事業上,一起哭、一起笑 ──也一起愛,這是花樣女醫的生存奮鬥史,也是獻給所有女人的勇敢之書!
科學偵探謎野真實01 : 科學偵探vs.學校的七大不可思議 佐東みどり, 木滝りま FC C9-01 沒有科學解不開的謎團! 一個有著天才智慧的少年謎野真實,一個缺乏科學基礎的男孩宮下健太, 他們將如何運用「科學」與「推理」,挑戰學校七大不可思議之謎? 在解謎的過程中,跟著主角運用科學原理進行推理, 找出隱藏在神祕事件背後的真相,學會各種科學知識,增進邏輯思維的能力。
古人比你更會玩1 : 朕說歷史 黃桑 BMC 630 如果回到過去,你未必能活下來。古人的生活沒那麼簡單,吃喝拉撒睡,從《古人比你更會玩》從頭學起!「民以食為天」,哪怕在不發達的古代,古人在飲食上也相當考究, 精緻程度超乎現代人的想像,以有限的物質條件打造至高的飲食享受。 豬肉在古代是窮人才會吃的肉類? 櫻桃是皇族祭祀指定專用水果? 元代已經有檸檬水做消暑冷飲?
Aaaarrgghh, Spider! Lydia Monks EE A All Spider wants is to be a family pet. But the family whose house he lives in are terrified of him. Whenever he tries to show them what a great pet he would make, they simply cry: "AAAARRGGHH, Spider!"
Little women Louisa May Alcott SF VIN 'Rich or poor, we will keep together and be happy in one another' Christmas won't be the same this year for Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, as their father is away fighting in the Civil War , and the family has fallen on hard times. But thought they may be poor, life for the four March sisters is rich with colour, as they play games, put on wild theatricals, make new friends, argue, grapple with their vices, learn from their mistakes, nurse each other through sickness and disappointments, and get into all sorts of trouble.
A Sally Lockhart mystery 1 : The ruby in the smoke Philip Pullman MSF SAL(V.1) She can ride like a Cossack and shoot like a demon - but does beautiful 16-year-old Sally Lockhart have what it takes to hunt down her father's killer? From the king of children's writers, Philip Pullman, this glittering yarn of courage and danger will leave readers bedazzled!


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
東西歷史面對面 洋洋兔 BC 711 手繪東西歷史美麗呈現! 作者為你甄選出中外歷史的重要史蹟,引導你解析世界歷史具有特色的文明、文化。閱讀本書不僅可以瞭解多元歷史,由於東西 方世界同時擱置在同一時間軸上,使你更清楚東西歷史的差別及相通之處,清楚歷史發展的軌跡。
神奇柑仔店8:SOS!救急媽媽面具 廣嶋玲子 EFC P1-01 每個零食能解決一個煩惱,你敢不敢走進這家柑仔店,吃一口,賭上你的未來?終於脫離鳥籠束縛的澱澱,決定要親手毀掉錢天堂。 她偷偷的讓黑色招財貓潛入錢天堂的工房,將惡意精華悄悄混進商品之中。 沾染了惡意的零食,會為幸運的客人帶來怎樣的災難呢?紅子會及時發現澱澱的惡行,順利解決問題嗎?
屁屁偵探讀本 : 幸運貓落到誰手上! Troll EFC N4-01 【屁屁偵探讀本】第9集報到……有神祕人物閃亮登場喔! 貫穿本集的關鍵字,非「幸運貓」莫屬──我們不僅有機會好好認識「幸運貓」咖啡店帥氣溫馨的一家「三口」, 要解開的事件謎團也與「幸運貓」密不可分,誰也沒料到,藝術拍賣會上的珍奇古物,「背後」竟有著天大的祕密?! 而且讓店長與布朗陷入險境!屁屁偵探能解開謎團,拯救他們兩人嗎?
I love you, little one Suzie Mason EE I I love you more with each new day, with all my heart, in every way. Remind your little one just how much you love them with this adorable pop-up book.
Kingdom Hearts : Chain of memories : the novel Tomoko Kanemaki SF DIS Sora, Donald, and Goofy have defeated Ansem and restored the world. But beyond the dark door--a door that had to be closed--Riku and King Mickey remain. And so the trio sets off again on a journey to find Riku and the king. As they progress through Castle Oblivion and encounter agents from the mysterious Organization XIII on the way, Sora and his friends begin losing their memories. What does it mean to hold something dear? And in the end, what path will Sora choose?
Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë MSF SCH Orphaned in childhood and despised by the cruel aunt who is her only known relative, Jane Eyre has no one but herself to trust. Unaided by money, family, or beauty, Jane relies on her intelligence and integrity to help her survive. After Jane secures a position as governess in mysterious, beautiful Thornfield mansion, she becomes deeply enmeshed with her moody employer, Mr. Rochester. But Rochester guards a dark and terrible secret-a secret that will force Jane to choose between the principles that define her and the only love she has ever known.


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
怪奇孤兒院3:靈魂圖書館 蘭森.瑞格斯 MF J4-03 由《怪奇孤兒院》展開的冒險,經歷過《怪奇孤兒院之空洞之城》後,終於來到《怪奇孤兒院之靈魂圖書館》的最終結局。 在這本書的開端,十六歲的雅各發現了自己強大的新能力,然後很快便投身於歷史之中,試圖從戒備森嚴的堡壘中救出他的 特異夥伴們。在這段旅途中陪伴雅各的是艾瑪‧布魯,一名手指上帶著火焰的女孩,以及愛迪森‧麥克亨利,一隻能靠鼻子 找出失落孩子們的狗。他們將從現代倫敦穿越圈套,進入維多利亞時代英國中最頹廢的貧民窟——惡魔之灣。在那裡,世界 上所有特異孩子們的未來都將產生決定性的變化。
神奇柑仔店 7 : 糟糕!我吃了款待梨 廣嶋玲子 EFC P1-01 這是怎麼一回事?錢天堂居然舉辦特賣活動,同時販售「錢天堂」和「倒霉堂」的零食!究竟為什麼紅子會答應天獄園的怪童, 讓他代表倒霉堂和紅子進行一場零食對決?究竟誰的商品更能獲得幸運客人的青睞?如果吃下兩家的零食,能得到的最終結果 都一樣,想要解決生活中各式各樣的困擾的你,會想要選擇哪一邊的零食,走哪一條路解除迷惘和困惑呢?
穿越故宮大冒險5:谿山行旅圖冰獸任務 鄭宗弦 F C1-01 從宋徽宗的皇宮返回現代之後,高娃夜裡總會夢見一個奇怪的小女孩;藉由龍形鳳紋珮的靈力,以及夢中小女孩的指引,高娃 和阿志搭乘魔法電梯,一起進入名畫〈谿山行旅圖〉中,遇見了歷史名人和各路神仙、精怪,騎著仙禽遨遊天際,還見識了神 奇的「雙兩千壽」宴……甚至回到北宋尋訪畫家范寬,深入了解當初創作名畫的經過,試圖破解困擾畫中神仙的冰獸之謎……
Ninja Timmy Henrik Tamm FE TAM Timmy the cat, his pal Simon the mink, and the pig brothers Jasper and Casper are inventors, and they’re hoping to sell their fabulous new contraption to a local merchant. With high hopes, they haul their machine through the crowded streets of Elyzandrium—and are promptly robbed by a gang of bullies.
Junie B. Jones and the stupid smelly bus Barbara Park SEF JUN AMeet the World’s Funniest Kindergartner—Junie B. Jones! Remember when it was scary to go to school? In the first Junie B. Jones book, it’s Junie B.’s first day and she doesn’t know anything. She’s so scared of the school bus and the meanies on it that when it’s time to go home, she doesn’t.
Leo the Late Bloomer Robert Kraus EE L Leo isn't reading, or writing, or drawing, or even speaking, and his father is concerned. But Leo's mother isn't. She knows her son will do all those things, and more, when he's ready. With its message of patience and humor, Leo the Late Bloomer is more timely than ever.


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
妖怪客棧3:傷魂鳥之歌 古依平 MF J9-02 復活上古精怪傳說‧傳承東方經典文化 中華文化的妖怪傳說,講屬於中華孩子的幻想故事! 《妖怪客棧》裡的妖怪全都源自《山海經》、《搜神記》、《詩經》等上古典籍,姑獲鳥、螭吻、 嘲風、饕餮、蛟人,還有狐仙、貓妖、鼠精、鳥怪等中國獨有的妖怪,統統在書中震撼復活了!
傳說中的狐仙、貓妖、龍女、神鳥等大小妖怪從未消失,它們一直和人類生活在一起, 在無數次冒險中成長,一起歡笑,一起流淚。現在,故事裡的妖怪也將來到你的身邊, 帶你遨遊奇幻世界!
屁屁偵探讀本 : 被怪盜盯上的新娘 Troll EFC N4-01 屁屁偵探系列裡神出鬼沒、最有魅力的反派角色── 世紀大盜「怪盜U」三度現身?! 犯案前一定先寄出預告信的他,這回看上什麼寶物呢? 在層層推理演繹、鬥智反轉的情節中, 一起揭開怪盜U的偽裝面目,解開事件的謎團吧!
超馬童話大冒險 : 你是誰? 亞平、…楊念蓁等 SEF F2-02 主題式童話,看8位童話名家攜手出任務,馬拉松長跑╳挑戰8場次 1號童話〈這個愛哭的傢伙〉 阿力剛從鼴鼠洞第88號教室,上完「安全課」。阿力覺得麻老師實在是太愛窮緊張了! 為了躲開麻老師,他決定抄近路,沒想到卻在地道裡迷了路,遇見了一個「愛哭的火球」, 他到底是誰?怎麼會在這裡呢? 2號童話〈鐘樓怪人人愛〉 「匡噹匡噹!」小鎮上蓋了一棟鐘樓,還沒找到……
Frozen II : Forest of shadows Kamilla Benko SF DIS Anna of Arendelle wants nothing more than to be helpful to her older sister, Elsa. But as far as Anna can see, ever since Elsa's coronation, her sister has been doing just fine without her. And now, Elsa will be setting sail for a grand tour of the world--leaving Anna behind. But a mysterious sickness strikes Arendelle, and Elsa's tour is delayed, giving Anna the perfect opportunity to finally help.
Sideways stories from Wayside School Louis Sachar SEF WAY Accidentally built sideways and standing thirty stories high (the builder said he was very sorry for the mistake), Wayside School has some of the wackiest classes in town, especially on the thirtieth floor. That’s where you’ll meet Bebe, the fastest draw in art class; John, who only reads upside down; Myron, the best class president ever; and Sammy, the new kid—he’s a real rat.
Itsy Bitsy Christmas Max Lucado EE I When a donkey tells Itsy and Bitsy, brother and sister mice, that a king is coming to Bethlehem, they set out to find him even though their friends tell them no king would ever come to so small and common a place.


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
親子DIY雜貨&玩具 光橋翠 BC 964 運用在大自然中收集的葉子、樹枝、果實、花朵、石頭、貝殼…...就能親子同樂,把旅遊中的甜蜜回憶,製作成創意十足的實用雜貨或玩具, 如:鐵路立體模型/樹葉創意畫/掛飾/迷宮遊戲/森林動物園/T恤&包包/圍裙&手帕/小鳥餵食台/捕夢網/樹梢上的小鳥/蘑菇家族/ 森林的向陽小物/雪花飾品/圓片飾品/燭台/蛋蛋家族/彩繪蛋/框架/散步手杖/曼荼羅花盤等。 從收集材料到製作,以及玩具的創意玩法,都能激發無限想像!
跟著文森大廚吃遍世界美食 史黛邦卡.薛甘妮諾娃 BC 538.7 文森大廚為了成為米其林三星主廚,已經準備好踏上一趟世界美食之旅!他的足跡遍及歐洲、亞洲、非洲、澳洲和美洲,他和世界各國的美食 會碰撞出什麼精彩的火花呢?
STEM大驚奇:處處有數學 《未來少年》《未來兒童》編輯群 BC 308-6 學得數學很枯燥嗎?你以為數學只是無用的抽象知識,生活上根本用不到嗎?那你可就錯了,數學存在於身邊周遭萬事萬物之中。本書教我們 從觀察大自然,學會宇宙自然中的秩序與規律;在日常生活裡練習測量、金錢的使用、時間的規劃,及邏輯思考;從藝術創作中理解立體、圖形、 面積與周長的概念;從歷史中認識數學的發現過程、九九乘法表的祕密……。看了這本書,你會迫不及待想跟數學做好朋友呢!
The Midnight Library Kazuno Kohara EE M When we are fast asleep in bed, the Midnight Library opens its doors to all the night-time animals. Inside the library the little librarian and her three assistant owls help each and every animal to find the perfect book. But with a noisy squirrel band, an upset wolf and a slow-reading tortoise to help, they could all be in for a very busy night . . .
Isle of Misfits 1: First Class Jamie Mae SEF ISL(V.1) In the first book of the Isle of Misfits series, a gargoyle that can't sit still at his post is invited to live on an island full of other restless magical creatures!Gibbon is a gargoyle who has been unable to sit still for hundreds of years. One day, he leaves his post from the castle he was meant to be guarding, and a person sees Gibbon, he panics and runs away. As Gibbon is sadly walking back, he meets three gargoyles who bring him to an island filled with other legendary creatures. There, he goes to a special academy that will train him to go on missions to protect all sorts of mythical creatures who are in trouble.
Luciana Teagan SF LUC (V.1) Get to know American Girl's 2018 Girl of the year, Luciana, in this first book in her series! Luciana is over the moon--she's going to Space Camp! But when she's picked to lead her team in a robot challenge, instead of rocketing her crew to success she steers them straight into trouble. After that, her teammates don't trust her. In fact, Luci's pretty sure they don't even like her. It's great to be good at science-but Luci learns that it's not enough. If she's ever going to make it to Mars, she's got to be someone her crew can depend on, no matter what.


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
英雄 郝廣才 EC J0-04 英雄不怕年紀小,做大事不用等長大以後! 用13個小孩的英雄事蹟,幫助孩子建立自信、打造夢想! 這些孩子的年紀雖然小,抱負卻很大,他們見到該做的事情就去做,不怕艱難也 不自我設限,證明了:不是只有大人能做大事,只要勇敢夢想、積極行動,孩子 也有改變世界的能力!
君偉的節日報告 王淑芬 EF P1-06 這次,張君偉要帶大家去認識千奇百怪的世界節日, 究竟永晝日、世界大笑日、浴缸讀書日、國際標準日…… 到底在紀念什麼呢?現在就跟著張君偉、逗趣的同學們 和面惡心善的暴龍老師,一起去發現22個好玩又有意義的 世界各地節日吧!
祈念之樹 東野圭吾 MFC I6-04 有沒有什麼思念,害怕說出來?有沒有什麼秘密,想要坦白卻無法開口? 有沒有什麼歉意懊悔,已經來不及表達? 青年直井玲斗成為神社管理者,守護巨大的神木。玲斗本以為這份工作平淡無奇, 沒想到神木樟樹的傳說似乎深植人心,許多心懷秘密的人們來向樟樹「祈念」, 亦有人千方百計想要「知道那些秘密」。玲斗也因此開始發掘自己家族的過去, 以及樟樹祈念的真相……
Over the Ocean Taro Gomi EE O In this beautiful testament to wondering, a young girl gazes out to where the water meets the sky and wonders what lies beyond the waves. Boats filled with toys? Skyscrapers filled with people? Houses filled with families? Or, maybe, over the ocean stands someone not so different from the girl herself, returning her gaze.
Kitty and the Moonlight Rescue Paula Harrison SEF KIT Join Kitty and her cat crew on the rooftops for a series of enchanting adventures by the light of the moon. Here, Kitty will discover that being a superhero is about more than using her special abilities-she must learn to be courageous too, scaling the city clock tower to rescue a very frightened kitten.
Anne of Green Gables Montgomery, L. M. SF ANN Anne, an eleven-year-old orphan, is sent by mistake to live with a lonely, middle-aged brother and sister on a Prince Edward Island farm and proceeds to make an indelible impression on everyone around her.