
Good Reads 推薦閱讀


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
木曜日適合來杯可可亞 青山美智子 MFC I6-04 (中學中文少年小說類) 我們都在不知不覺中成為某個誰的救贖──,「大理石咖啡店」是一間隱藏在河邊櫻花行道樹下的咖啡店。故事始於這間咖啡店的一杯熱可可亞,橫跨東京與雪梨兩地,串連起十二個顏色:做煎蛋捲、點一杯熱可可亞,忘了卸掉指甲油……一連串小事的組合,最終奇蹟似地拯救了一個生命――店員愛上客人,說來或許是不被允許的事。但是,只要暗戀就夠了,我完全不在意。借MASTER的話來說,只要做夢就好了。暗戀也沒什麼不好。我就只是喜歡著她,如此而已。光是這樣就獲得了能量。所以,我會盡我一切所能。比方說,對了―― 每逢星期四,就為她獻上一杯好喝到極點的可可亞。這就是全部。
神機妙算半仙嬤2 : 雞阿婆變成網紅大姐大 姜子安 EFC C13-15(小學中文兒童小說類) 半仙嬤漸漸喜歡上機器人孫子和雞阿婆的陪伴,機器人孫子和雞阿婆卻老是因小事而吵架。為此,半仙嬤不但不煩惱,反而覺得越麻煩越好?在機器人的陪伴下,她將展現出什麼與眾不同的人生智慧呢? 半仙嬤的哲思妙語金句連發,讓異想天開的情節既好看又好笑,除了探討老人獨居、選舉、詐騙、網紅、工作機器人等社會議題外,也能讓讀者不知不覺增進思考能力、語言敏銳度,並為親子師生之間創造出很多很棒的對話機會。
莫莉老師的自信學校 查娜.戴維森 EC F8-01 (小學中文繪本類) 兔子蘿西很害羞,她害怕新環境、嘗試新事物、新活動,甚至是交新朋友,於是她來到莫莉老師的自信學校。莫莉老師帶領動物同學們,一步步從了解自己開始,進而提供實用又容易做到的小技巧,教孩子如何面對負面想法, 找出自己的優點、興趣、做得很棒的事情,明白犯錯了也沒關係,進而了解如何與焦慮共處,培養積極的心,漸漸長出自信! 索書號:EC F8-01 (小學中文繪本類)
This Book Will (Help) Cool the Climate Isabel Thomas BE 328 (小學英文知識類) Our planet is in peril and it needs your help! But the good news is that there are loads of easy ways that you can make a difference. From lift-sharing to switching body sprays, there are so many things you can do to help fight climate change. Complete with myth-busting boxes and counter arguments to put climate-deniers in their place, this is a one-stop guide to transform eco-worried kids into eco-activists. Funny, engaging, practical and timely, it's the ideal book to help readers navigate the world in the greenest possible way, and to really make a difference.
Toto the ninja cat 1 : Toto the Ninja Cat and the great snake escape Dermot O'Leary SEF TOT (小學英文兒童小說類) Toto the cat and her brother Silver live footloose and fancy-free in a townhouse in London. Toto is almost totally blind, and learned to trust her senses from a ninja cat-master who taught her back in Italy where they were born. By day, Toto and Silver seem to be ordinary cats, but by night, they love to have adventures! One evening, news reaches Toto that a king cobra has escaped from London Zoo! Together with help from a very posh cat and two hungry tigers, Toto and Silver must investigate. Can they find the giant snake, before it's too late?
Cat Kid Comic Club 1 Dav Pilkey COMIC CAT (小學英文漫畫類) Naomi, Melvin, Pedro, and Poppy are just a few of the twenty-one rambunctious, funny, and talented baby frogs who share their stories in the Cat Kid Comic Club. Can Li'l Petey, Molly, and Flippy help the students express themselves through comics? The adventures in class and on paper unwind with mishaps and hilarity as the creative baby frogs experience the mistakes and progress that come with practice and persistence.


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
向田理髮店 奧田英朗 MFC N7-01 (中學中文少年小說類) 向田康彥,53歲,是鎮上唯二的理髮店老闆。最近煩惱自己的三分鐘熱度兒子,說什麼為了「挽救故鄉」,決定回到這牛比人多的鄉下地方繼承理髮店。康彥聽了既心急又擔憂,不是自己不愛這片土地,而是認為年輕人就該站上更廣闊的世界舞台,留在沒有未來的小鎮,只怕所有的蓬勃生氣都將被吞噬。
我們想要的未來 : 17項永續發展目標&國際實踐範例 蟹江憲史;羅賓西 BMC 520-1(中學中文知識類) 2019年夏天的亞馬遜森林大火、德州難得一見的龍捲風、台灣持續的石虎車禍事件,這些是否是你曾經思考過的未來的樣貌?現在的國家多以經濟成長為主,在經濟成長的同時有很多東西都失落了,諸如不是本意的貧富差距、環境破壞、人民幸福度。試想一下十年後的2030年,我們如果再不動作這個地球會被我們糟蹋成什麼樣?世界上有這麼一群人(聯合國全體通過)在2015年的時候就想到了這個問題。為了讓下一代有個乾淨、安全的成長環境,於同年9月25日,通過了「2030年永續發展議程」的17項永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)。
歧視:只是玩笑話,為什麼不能說? 素淵 BC 541.7 (小學中文知識類) 世界上許多少數族群僅僅因為性別、膚色、宗教或國籍,而被人歧視或討厭,但他們真的有做出討人厭的行為嗎?還是只是因為偏見或刻板印象造成的呢?摘下帶有偏見的眼鏡吧!學習分辨是非對錯,尊重世界上每一個人,拒絕網路影片、遊戲或同學、親戚帶有偏見的想法,倘若聽到飽含惡意的話,就勇敢阻止對方。一起學習停止歧視,試著讓世界變得更溫暖美好!
A Pandemic Is Worldwide Sarah L. Thomson BE 308-3 (小學英文知識類) Everybody gets sick now and then—maybe with a runny nose or a sore throat. Sometimes a lot of people get sick at once. If many people all over the world get sick, this is called a pandemic. Did you know that pandemics have occurred throughout history, like the smallpox pandemic in 1746 and Ebola in 2013? Read and find out more about pandemics, the vaccines we’ve created to stop them, and what you can do to stay safe and healthy!
Sydney And Taylor Explore The Whole Wide World Jacqueline Davies SEF SYD V.1 (小學英文兒童小說類) Sydney is a skunk and Taylor is a hedgehog, but no matter how odd the pairing may seem, their friendship comes naturally. They live happily in their cozy burrow . . . until the day Taylor gets his Big Idea to go see the Whole Wide World. From mountains taller than a hundred hedgehogs, valleys wider than a thousand skunks, to the dangers that lie in the human world, Sydney and Taylor wanted to see it all. With a map and a dream, they bravely set off, soon discovering that the world is much bigger than they realized.
A wish in the dark Christina Soontornvat FE SOO (小學英文少年小說類) All light in Chattana is created by one man — the Governor, who appeared after the Great Fire to bring peace and order to the city. For Pong, who was born in Namwon Prison, the magical lights represent freedom, and he dreams of the day he will be able to walk among them. But when Pong escapes from prison, he realizes that the world outside is no fairer than the one behind bars. The wealthy dine and dance under bright orb light, while the poor toil away in darkness. Worst of all, Pong’s prison tattoo marks him as a fugitive who can never be truly free.


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
不便利的便利店 = : 불편한 편의점 金浩然 MFC K6-01 (中學中文少年小說類) 人生就是會有很多不便利、不舒服,這間有點慘澹的便利店,卻為我們撐起了閃閃發光的空間……艱難時刻的光亮之書,一間便利店,接通了我們的幸福人生。 這間有點不便利,卻讓人想一再前往的便利店,藏著能在艱難生活中給你安慰的各樣物品。 買一送一的喜悅、三角飯糰模樣的悲傷,以及一萬元所帶來的四次歡笑,充滿特別的故事與奇妙商品組合的便利店,時時歡迎您!
給孩子的神奇仿生科學 : 醫療.再生能源.環保塑膠.永續建築......未來厲害科技都是偷學大自然的! 居榭 文;巴拉克 圖 BC 400(小學中文知識類) 向全天下最偉大的「設計師」&「科學家」學習!模仿大自然的設計圖,用仿生科技打造美好的永續生活! 醫療x能源x交通x建築x農耕x減塑,6大科技生活領域 & 科學素養知識 ,一次打包! 大熊每年冬眠3個月的冬眠,白蟻蟻窩8公尺高的巨大蟻窩……所有大自然中看起來再普通不過的事物,都可能啟發下一個偉大發明! 跟著本書、學習科學家們活用從大自然獲得靈感,孩子也能成為小小仿生發明家!
你要選什麼?夢想 古德哈特 文;夏瑞特 圖 EC C13-01 (小學中文繪本類) 如果自己變得跟老鼠一樣小,或是和房子一樣大,會發生什麼事呢? 想像你探索海洋的奧妙、挖掘地底下的秘密以及穿越時空旅行…… 在這充滿想像力和細節的慶典裡,你可以選擇成為所想的一切。 每次翻開都像開啟全新故事──這次,你要選什麼?
See inside planet Earth : with over 80 flaps to life Katie Daynes & Peter Allen BE 047-3 (小學英文知識類) Includes double page spreads on mountains, deserts, the oceans, the atmosphere and icy landscapes such as Antarctica, each one with flaps to lift to reveal scientific and natural history information. This title contains a feature on how climate change is affecting our planet, and what can be done to reduce its effects.
Diary of an ice princess 1 : Snow place like home Christina Soontornvat SEF DIA V.1 (小學英文兒童小說類) Princess Lina has a life any kid would envy. She lives in a massive palace in the clouds. Everyone in her family has the power to control the wind and weather. On a good day, she can even fly! She loves making lemons into lemon ice, riding wind gusts around the sky, and turning her bedroom into a real life snow globe.There's just one thing Lina wants: to go to regular, non-magical school with her best friend Claudia.
Because of Mr. Terupt Rob Buyea MSF TER V.1 (中學英文系列少年小說類) Seven students are about to have their lives changed by one amazing teacher in this school story sequel filled with unique characters every reader can relate to. It's the start of a new year at Snow Hill School, and seven students find themselves thrown together in Mr. Terupt's fifth grade class.


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
在說出再見之前= : さよならも言えないうちに 川口俊和 MFC N7-01 (中學中文少年小說區) 一間能回到過去的咖啡店,一連串奇蹟般的際遇!「回到過去的時間,只到咖啡冷卻為止!」 只不過,囉唆的是……有著非常麻煩的規矩。聽說,這次又多了新的規矩……… 為了再見妻子、愛犬、戀人、父親一面,四名「來不及說再見」的客人,造訪了能夠回到過去的 神祕咖啡廳〔纜車之行〕。 但,即使回到過去,也無法改變現實。 然而,回到過去所見到的那個人,他的「記憶」又會發生什麼樣的變化呢? 故事發生在「在咖啡冷掉之前」的隔年……人生有分歧點,後悔是一瞬間的事, 沒人會想到自己會遭逢那個瞬間。
妖怪托顧所6 : 妖貓公主出擊 廣嶋玲子 EFC P1-01中文兒童小說類 喵!貓出沒注意! 一連串與貓有關的神祕事件,驚動妖貓族王蜜公主親自出馬, 展開一場解謎兼解悶的人間狩獵之旅! 妖貓小鈴匆忙趕赴妖貓族一年一度的月圓聚會,沒想到半路竟撿到一個小嬰兒。 半妖女孩美緒,偶然遇見一個貧窮浪人和一窩失去母親的小貓,誰知突然冒出一個發狂的陌生女人,要來搶這窩小貓。 閒得發慌的王蜜公主,化成小貓模樣擅自住進太鼓長屋,和偶遇的小妖梅吉密謀搗蛋,不料卻碰上恐怖的意外。
圖書館裡的祕密 安藤忠雄 文;秦好史郎 圖 EC C13-01 中文繪本類 近80歲的安藤忠雄為新作:「童書森林 中之島」圖書館,嘗試人生首次繪本創作,以閱讀森林為主題,化身為神祕的磨菇頭叔叔,帶著一對兄妹探索圖書館、了解建築的故事與意義。這本繪本就如同這座建築,從有別於以往的角度,帶給孩童們關於建築的知識,是一本大人小孩都能閱讀的作品。
The book tree Paul Czajak EE B (小學英文繪本區) When young Arlo accidentally drops a book on the Mayor’s head, the Mayor decides books are dangerous and destroys all the books in town! But thanks to Arlo’s imagination and perseverance, the Mayor finds that suppressing stories cannot stop them from blossoming more beautifully than ever.
Eerie Elementary 1 : The school is alive! Jack Chabert SEF EER (小學英文兒童小說區) Sam Graves discovers that his elementary school is ALIVE! Sam finds this out on his first day as the school hall monitor. Sam must defend himself and his fellow students against the evil school! Is Sam up to the challenge? He'll find out soon enough: the class play is just around the corner. Sam teams up with friends Lucy and Antonio to stop this scary school before it's too late!
The last kids on Earth Max Brallier SF LAS V.1 (小學英文系列少年小說區) Ever since the monster apocalypse hit town, average thirteen year old Jack Sullivan has been living in his tree house. But Jack alone is no match for the hordes of Zombies and Winged Wretches and Vine Thingies, and especially not for the eerily intelligent monster known only as Blarg. So Jack builds a team: his dorky best friend, Quint; the reformed middle school bully, Dirk; Jack's loyal pet monster, Rover; and Jack's crush, June. With their help, Jack is going to slay Blarg, achieve the ultimate Feat of Apocalyptic Success, and be average no longer. Can he do it?


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PAINT : 面試完美父母 = Parents' Interview 李喜榮;簡郁璇;CLEA MFC J0-08 中學中文少年小說 如果可以選擇,你想要什麼樣的父母?想成為父母,就必須努力得到孩子的青睞! 您的父母面試即將開始── 傑努301在NC中心長大,這裡都是被遺棄、由國家撫養的孩子。他們從未接觸過外面的世界,根據出生月份命名,唯一獨特之處只有專屬自己的數字編號,以及──有權選擇自己想要的父母。 傑努301從13歲就展開「父母面試」,那些預備父母總是極力表現完美、強調自己多愛孩子,但很多時候,根本只是想藉此得到政府福利或別有居心。
穿越故宮大冒險7 : 驚天動地多寶格 鄭宗弦 FC C1-01 小學中文少年小說 這次讓我們一起穿越時空前往清朝,合力找出「竹絲纏枝花卉紋多寶格圓盒」的袖珍畫神祕下落! 繼人氣國寶翠玉白菜、肉形石、毛公鼎、蓮花式溫碗、〈谿山行旅圖〉與〈快雪時晴帖〉, 這次我們將要跟多寶格來場驚天動地的超時空冒險之旅 竹絲纏枝花卉紋多寶格圓盒怎會少一幅袖珍畫? 宮廷畫家郎世寧設計的西洋樓藏有什麼祕密? 美不勝收的圓明園為什麼慘遭焚毀,國寶四處流散? 當龍形鳳紋珮綻放光芒,就是穿越故宮大冒險的時刻!
歡迎你到地球來 布雷克爾;劉清彥 EC C4-02 小學中文繪本 如果你到地球來, 有些事情一定要知道…… 小男孩昆恩對外太空充滿想像,他寫了一封長長的信給外星訪客,介紹我們居住的這顆星球——地球。從地球在宇宙中的位置、我們居住的地方、房屋、家庭、長相、衣著,到各種型態的天氣、交通工具、工作、食物、動物等等……
Mulan's secret plan Roehl, Tessa.;Shimabukuro, Denise. SEF DIS 小學英文兒童小說 Before Mulan saved China . . . she was a girl ready to learn!Mulan can't wait to start school. She's excited to learn! But when class starts, she realizes that it's not quite what she was expecting. And if she and her friends really want to learn something, they're going to have to do it their own way.
Kid lawyer Grisham, John. SF THE 小學英文少年小說 A perfect murder A faceless witness A lone courtroom champion knows the whole truth . . . and he’s only thirteen years old.Meet Theodore Boone.In the small city of Strattenburg, there are many lawyers, and though he’s only thirteen years old, Theo Boone thinks he’s one of them. Theo knows every judge, policeman, court clerk—and a lot about the law. He dreams of being a great trial lawyer, of a life in the courtroom.But Theo finds himself in court much sooner than expected. Because he knows so much—maybe too much—he is suddenly dragged into the middle of a sensational murder trial.
An alphabet of emotions Moniz, Madalena. EE T 小學英文繪本區 Beautifully illustrated by Madalena Moniz's subtle watercolors, Today I Feel . . . follows a child through a whole range of emotions, from adored to curious to strong. Not all of the emotions are positive and not all of them are simple, but they are all honest and worthy of discussion with a young child.


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
地震!別怕!:家庭必備的防災互動書 曾敏惠;吳郁玶;李香潔;黃煒婷;廖俞儒 BC 355.4 小學中文知識類 臺灣位於地震頻發的環太平洋地震帶上,面對無法預期何時會發生的地震,可以做哪些準備呢?「國家災害防救科技中心」特別製作《地震!別怕!家庭必備的防災互動書》,提供臺灣一般家庭有關地震災害管理的知識與對策。 此本防災互動書以活潑有趣的設計形式,傳遞大眾面對地震可採取的準備及因應行動,適合各種年齡層閱讀,學習保護自己及家人的安全作法,建立正確的地震防災知識。
神話實驗室 1 : 神啊,告訴我世界的真相! 王文華 EFC P1-01 小學中文兒童小說 世界是怎麼來的呢?人類是怎麼誕生的?神仙都是長生不老的嗎?火是怎麼來到人間的? 一星期為什麼有七天?人可以嫁給星星?如果可以和女媧見面,你想問她什麼問題呢? 歡迎光臨神話實驗室,這裡沒有「很久很久以前」的故事…… 讓我們穿越時空,回到神話發生的現場,與全世界的神話人物面對面, 認識世界與萬物的起源,了解世界文化的開展!
月老 = : Till we meet again 九把刀 MFC I6-01 中學中文少年小說 從前從前,有一個故事, 故事裡,男孩遇見女孩, 喜歡她,追求她,就跟其他的故事一樣。 只是,他在求婚的那一刻被閃電擊中,再醒來已在地府。 故事沒有結束,只因為…… 「有些事,一萬年也不會改變。」
Life skills Swift, Keilly.;Gibbs, James. BE 173.1 小學英文知識類 This illustrated guide for children includes practical advice and real-life examples that teach problem-solving, how to make good decisions, and excellent communication skills. Children will learn how to better assess and react to challenges they may face, as well as create coping strategies for difficult situations.
Dory Fantasmagory Hanlon, Abby. EFE DOR 小學英文兒童小說 Dory really wants attention, and more than anything she wants her brother and sister to play with her. But she’s too much of a baby for them, so she’s left to her own devicesincluding her wild imagination and untiring energy. Her siblings may roll their eyes at her childish games, but Dory has lots of things to do: outsmarting the monsters all over the house, moving into the closet, and exacting revenge on her sister's favorite doll. And when they really need her, daring Dory will prove her bravery, and finally get exactly what she has been looking for.
Sweet laba congee Zhang, Qiusheng EE S 小學英文繪本區 It's time for the Laba congee festival! Yan'er is excited to help her grandmother prepare the Laba congee. After a long day of preparing and delivering the meal to villagers, will Yan'er get to sit with her family and enjoy the tasty meal?


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
好想吃一口 : 餐桌上的世界地圖 亞歷珊卓‧米契林斯卡, 丹尼爾‧米契林斯基, 娜塔莉亞‧巴拉諾斯卡 BC 538.7 小學中文知識類 從山林裡的天然食材到美味的海鮮,從宮廷料理到街頭小吃,這世界上有許多美食等你來品嘗。本書就像是一封時空之旅的邀請函,開啟探索美食的旅程,帶你在餐桌上環遊世界!它將帶你造訪世界五大洲共26個國家,觀察各國飲食文化的變遷,了解許多食物的有趣知識,以及人類文明的發展。還有精心挑選56道異國料理食譜,讓你在家中大展身手,體驗飲食的多元文化!
秋天,大家都在做什麼? 羅陶蘇珊娜‧伯納 EC C16-01 小學中文繪本 三樓陽臺上,鳥籠大開,淘氣的鸚鵡尼可又去哪裡了?人行道上有路人提著燈籠,今天的維林根小鎮有什麼活動嗎?遠方大草原上正在架設巨大的帳棚,一輛又一輛載著動物的大貨車遠道而來,維林根小鎮秋季的馬戲團活動即將展開。人行道上老曼忙著打電話,喜歡看書的拉拉不小心一頭撞上公車站牌,好痛啊!安德雅奶奶和福老先生、農婦和她的孫子,都推著南瓜往前走,街道上提燈籠的人越來越多,大家要去哪裡呢?《秋天,大家都在做什麼?》這本充滿創意、探索、想像的無字圖畫書,是作者繪製「四季系列」之一作品描繪德國小鎮的四季風光和景物,以及書中許多人物和動物的生活點滴,以同樣的七個場景,經由冬、春、夏、秋的交替,刻畫出一年的季節,以及仲夏夜裡歐洲小鎮的景物和風貌。
三生三世步生蓮 壹 : 化繭 唐七 MFC E2-01 中學中文少年小說 傳聞九重天上的三殿下連宋風流之名四海皆知,然而這樣一位玩世不恭的水神,竟捨棄半身修為相救因違犯天規而殞死鎖妖塔的紅蓮仙子長依,惹得天君震怒,將長依散魂罰入凡界,並與連宋訂下賭約,他需守護長依轉世六十年不變心,方可證明情大於法,否則長依將永入輪迴,連宋也難逃其咎。
The elephant in the room Holly Goldberg Sloan FE GOL 小學英文少年小說 The long separation is almost impossible for Sila to withstand. But things change when Sila accompanies her father (who is a mechanic) outside their Oregon town to fix a truck. There, behind an enormous stone wall, she meets a grandfatherly man who only months before won the state lottery. Their new alliance leads to the rescue of a circus elephant named Veda, and then to a friendship with an unusual boy named Mateo, proving that comfort and hope come in the most unlikely of places.
Kiki's delivery service Eiko Kadono EFE KAD 小學英文兒童小說 About a young witch and her clever cat that started it all! Half-witch Kiki never runs from a challenge. So when her thirteenth birthday arrives, she's eager to follow a witch's tradition: choose a new town to call home for one year. Brimming with confidence, Kiki flies to the seaside village of Koriko and expects that her powers will easily bring happiness to the townspeople.But gaining the trust of the locals is trickier than she expected.
Lovey bunny Kristine A. Lombardi EE S 小學英文繪本區 Lovey Bunny is the happiest little girl around. She loves just about everything-her family, art, watching her mama make things, and especially playing dress-up. But when she borrows Mama Rabbit's new dress without asking and ruins it, Lovey Bunny learns that not everything always goes as planned. Will Lovey Bunny find a creative way to show Mama that she's sorry?

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