
Good Reads 推薦閱讀


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
陶妖(仙靈傳奇4) 陳郁如 MFC P0-01 距離闇石墜落東郡已過了千年,月升終於練成「隱靈法」,並找到五名弟子。 他日倘若月升遭遇不測,擁有「隱靈法」的弟子後代,便能接續她的力量,阻止闇石重現。 五名弟子的法力各擅勝場,各自擁有五行中的一個強項,有的能夠穿梭畫境,有的以詩文為武器, 而家中世代製陶的徐靜,則是與大地有著密不可分的連結。從小聰明伶俐的她, 在跟隨月升修習多年後,更是意外學會了「讀心」....
屁屁偵探讀本 : 咖哩香料事件 Troll EFC N4-01 帕歐多先生為了即將開幕的咖哩餐車店,採買了大包小包的東西,來到「幸運貓」咖啡店。 沒想到好不容易才買到(而且是最後一瓶)、製作咖哩不可或缺的珍貴香料,居然不翼而飛, 受到過度驚嚇的帕歐多先生甚至因此昏了過去……
給小學生的環境自然課 : 大地、水、陽光、空氣、生命 申惠媛 EC H10-01 土地、水陽、光、空氣、生命 理解與生活習習相關的大自然 建立穩固的環境觀念,成為良好地球公民 擁有與自然共存的智慧 腳踏的土地、乾淨的水源、和煦的陽光、 沒有存在感卻超級重要的空氣, 都是生命缺一不可的元素,但你真的認識它們嗎?
My super sister and the birthday party Gwyneth Rees SEF MYS Emma and Saffie are going to stay with their grandparents for the summer to learn how to use their superpowers. Grandma has powers too, but Grandpa doesn't, and he definitely doesn't like the gnomes doing the gardening, or the washing-up doing itself - he'd rather play with his model aeroplanes. As the summer passes, the girls are having lots of fun - Emma brings a whole doll's house to life (and even learns to bake tiny cakes in the kitchen), but all Saffie wants is to cheer up Grandpa - so she decides to throw him the best party ever. What could possibly go wrong?
The Wind In The Willows Kenneth Grahame SF ROB The escapades of Mole, his friend Water Rat, shy Badger, and Toad of Toad Hall have delighted children, and adults, too. Follow the winning foursome through the seasons as they sail the river, get lost in the Wild Wood, take off on a merry adventure in Toad’s colorful carriage, and rescue Toad Hall from a band of nasty marauding weasels.
Feelings Libby Walden EE F What you feel is who you are...Explore a world of emotions with this stunning peep-through picture book. Richard Jones' enchanting illustrations and the lyrical text make each and every feeling come to life to help children understand the emotions they experience.


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
10秒鐘美食教室:秒懂!那些料理背後的二三事 Yan BC 425 為什麼叫愛玉?
讓超人氣圖文創作者「10秒鐘教室」教你 用最有趣的方式認識食物!
會上錯菜的餐廳 小國士朗 BMC 542 「竟然還會上錯菜,這家餐廳還真是另類!」
相信各位都是這麼想的吧。我們這些在外場為各位提供服務的人, 大家都是患有失智症的人。所以有時候可能會搞錯各位的餐點, 這一點還請多多見諒。
不過相對的,我們特別為各位準備了絕對美味的餐點, 而且每一道都只有在這裡才品嘗得到。
有淚不輕彈動物圖鑑 今泉忠明 BC 383.7 哭泣是人類的專利,擁有淚腺的我們可以充分地表達我們悲傷的情緒, 但是動物們呢?牠們看似淡定、平靜地面對命運的安排, 感到悲傷時,是否也想大哭一場呢?或許,牠們只是...有淚不輕彈!
長頸鹿每次睡覺都只能睡十分鐘,而且還必須跪著睡;翻車魚小時了了大未必佳, 可愛的模樣長大後就會走鐘;眼鏡蛇辜負其名,視力不好而且也看不到頭頂飛來的威脅; 黑猩猩為了照顧手足,有可能會過勞死...
Love Song of the Little Bear Paula Metcalf EE L The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, and a little bear frolics through the spring fields. But the best part of spring is having somebody to share it with! Join the little bear in this celebration of love between a mother and child. Love Song of the Little Bear is from the hidden treasures of Margaret Wise Brown, author of the children’s classics Goodnight Moon and Runaway Bunny. Parragon is the largest illustrated non-fiction publisher in the world and a global leader in innovative digital books for children in many languages. Welcome to the world of Parragon!
Fantastic Earth Facts Various BE 350 Lavishly illustrated throughout, this title provides children with masses of knowledge in the shape of bite-sized, numbered facts. The numbering system acts as a benchmark, and as children read they can clearly chart their progress as they explore our incredible planet, from exploding volcanoes to incredible ocean habitats. Cartoons, quizzes, fun facts and projects are scattered throughout to actively encourage reading and learning.
Big Nate: What's a Little Noogie Between Friends? Lincoln Peirce SF BIG Nate Wright’s a winner--in his own mind, anyway. So when things go wrong, he’s at a loss to explain why. How does his soccer team manage to lose to a school with a sixty-game winless streak? What’s he doing at the movies on a Friday night . . . with GINA? And why, oh why is one of his classmates (hint: she’s Nate’s dream girl) suddenly moving 3,000 miles away? It’s all enough to make a sixth-grade superstar feel . . . well, not so super.


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
氣噗噗:生氣的你,常常看不見我們愛你 璲我賢 EC H10-01 「我不愛你們了,我再也不要理你們了!」
這固執、倔強,非得要「如他所願」的拗脾氣, 該怎麼化解呢?
「哼!我今天不跟任何人說話了!」小允今天非常生氣。 媽媽答應要買蛋糕給我,但又失約了。爸爸說要教我騎腳踏車,但每天他都說: 「爸爸好累喔!明天,明天一定帶妳去!」我的聖誕禮物明明就想要公主洋娃娃, 聖誕老公公卻送給我筆記本和鉛筆,叫我要好好用功讀書,乖乖聽爸爸媽媽的話…… 爸爸、媽媽都騙人,我自己一個人玩好無聊,這世界上都没人愛我,没人聽我說話, 我生氣了!非常非常的生氣,我再也不跟任何人說話了。
童年原來是喜劇 王淑芬 EF F2-01 充滿「早知道……」,有點後悔卻還是要做,精采卻僅有一次上演機會, 絕無回放或重播機會的二十六場童年喜劇隆重上映。由小學時期是班上風雲人物, 長大後成為小學主任的人氣作家王淑芬領銜主演,分享親身經歷:為什麼小時候那麼好笑?
跳課間舞時,老師規定男女生必須手牽著手。但是,女生聽說,碰到男生的手,手會發臭; 男生聽說,碰到女生的手,可能會中毒。男生跟女生,到底能不能牽手?
既然卡片買三張有打折,不如一張寄給暗戀已久的班長,一張寄給不小心牽了手的舞伴, 最後一張寄給身材高大的體衛股長……但是,第二天卻在抽屜裏發現兩張「知名不具」的卡片! 糟糕,那會是誰回的信呢?
旅貓日記 有川浩 MF I1-10 可以遇見你,僅只如此,就能讓我感受到巨大的幸福。
我和悟,原本只是不即不離的泛泛之交而已,直到一次車禍意外,讓原本是野貓的我,從此成了悟的貓。 身為貓的室友,悟是無可挑剔的人類;身為人類的室友,我也是無可挑剔的貓。五年來,我們真的相處得非常融洽。 但是有一天,悟卻突然對我說:「對不起啊,事情變成這樣,真的對不起。我並不想丟下你的。」 悟因為某種不明的原因,必須將我送給別人。別再說了,人生就是無法順遂如意啊,雖然我是「貓生」。 於是一貓一人,開始踏上尋找新飼主的托貓之旅。這將是我們最後的旅行,而我那「7」字形的鉤狀尾巴, 一定會將沿途看見的動人風景和溫暖人情都吸引過來。
My Mummy Paula Metcalf EE M I could travel round the world.And know I'd never find A mummy even half as nice Or brilliant as mine! My Mummy is a touching celebration of the special relationship between mother and child and the perfect gift for Mother's Day. From playing games to making things and cuddling her baby tight, Little Bear's mum is great at everything - but best of all, she belongs to Little Bear.
Pokémon adventure collection 2 : Pokémon peril Tracey West SEF POK Ash and his friends are exploring the mysterious Orange Islands.It's a land full of new and exciting challenges-and of course more Pokémon battles! Can the masters-in-training win them all and defeat their rivals,Team Rocket?
Princess the Cat versus Snarl the Coyote: A Cat and Dog Adventure John Heaton SF PRI A snooty cat. A vicious coyote. A surprise kitten… Princess the cat rules over her domain with a firm paw. But everything changes when her humans commit the worst insult imaginable: they bring home a kitten. The clueless, untrained housemate comes at exactly the wrong time. Snarl the coyote is hungry, and he's making a move on Princess' territory…