
Good Reads 推薦閱讀


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
危險來了我會自保! : 35個孩子一定要知道的防身守則 馬格萊納‧格雷羅;瑪麗亞‧波夫萊特 EC P1-03 (小學中文繪本類) 當有陌生人靠近你的時候你會怎麼辦? 到陌生的地方去遊玩時你常常落單嗎? 認識的人做出奇怪的舉止你會怎麼做? 誘拐、綁架、偷拍、性騷擾......,面對這些層出不窮的兒童受害案件,若能從小帶領孩子建立保護自己意識, 就有機會在危險來臨時提前警覺、及早遠離。 本書由日本青少年安全教育專家清永奈穗監修,收錄了35個孩子 一定要知道的防身守則,循序漸進的從心理、行動、應變等方面逐一說明。
ChatGPT-4 與Bing Chat : 創新體驗文字/繪圖/音樂/動畫/影片的AI世界 洪錦魁 BMC 004(中學中文知識類) 這是一本不限領域,人人都可以學習的最新AI軟體書籍,整本書不牽涉高深程式設計技術,徹底解說 ChatGPT和Bing Chat 的聊天應用,特別是講解 GPT-3.5/4,讓你的ChatGPT功能升級,此外也講解下列GPT-4專屬官方各式插件。
公主出任務(10): : 粉紅王子 珊寧.海爾, 迪恩.海爾 EFC V1-01 (小學中文兒童小說類) 木蘭花公主布置花卉節舞會時,突然聽到一陣喧鬧聲 哦不!她還沒有準備好對抗怪獸,或者……一隻脾氣超壞的鴯鶓! 令她驚訝的是,一位身穿閃亮盔甲的王子趕來救援,但公主精心準備的舞會裝飾品卻被鴯鶓踩壞了。 還好還好,原來英勇的王子也擁有自己的祕密身份?!公主與王子能否攜手合作,順利拯救花卉節舞會呢?
The Christmas pig J.K. Rowling F ROW (小學英文少年小說類) Jack loves his childhood toy, Dur Pig. DP has always been there for him, through good and bad. Until one Christmas Eve something terrible happens - DP is lost. But Christmas Eve is a night for miracles and lost causes, a night when all things can come to life... even toys. And Jack's newest toy - the Christmas Pig (DP's annoying replacement) - has a daring plan: Together they'll embark on a magical journey to seek something lost, and to save the best friend Jack has ever known...
The memory book Jory John EE M(小學英文繪本類) I love visiting my grandma. We read together, play her piano, feed the birds in the garden and we love looking through her big box of photos . . . But when Grandma starts to forget who the people in the photographs are, Mum explains that Grandma is living with something called dementia. She says, "Grandma is still the person we know and love, she's just a little different now . . . " A reassuring story about the love between a little girl and her grandma, with practical information to help young children understand dementia and the changes it can bring.
Logic games for clever kids Gareth Moore BE 996.1 (小學英文知識類) A new title in the hugely successful Clever Kids series, this book is packed with logic puzzles that are guaranteed to put your powers of deduction to the test. From mind-boggling sudoku and stupefying simple-loop games to bridge-building challenges and cryptic conundrums, there are plenty of exciting puzzles to keep your brain busy.


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
我們是多元社會:尊重差異,關懷弱勢,學習愛與包容的關鍵能力! 馬格萊納‧格雷羅;瑪麗亞‧波夫萊特 EC D1-04 (小學中文繪本類) 本書從5大面向:文化、宗教、家庭、性別認同與障礙者的角度切入,循序漸進說明多元社會中的「同」與「不同」,進而學習尊重差異, 什麼是多元社會?書中列舉各國文化差異、宗教內涵、家庭形式等,說明多元社會的可貴,在於我們不只要理解自身的獨特性, 也能同理並且尊重他人的不同。實踐公平正義。更重要的是,鼓勵所有孩子持續在自己關注的議題上努力,成為對世界有熱忱、負責任的好公民。
人生好難 : 現代公民九個麻煩的哲學問題 朱家安 BMC 540(中學中文知識類) 《人生好難:現代公民九個麻煩的哲學問題》藉由台灣當前熱議、持續延燒的九個議題,帶來思考與溝通的實戰演練。 言論自由意味著什麼?藝術和政治可以切割開來嗎?動漫比小說更沒深度嗎?政府能強迫人接受義務教育嗎? 有什麼好理由讓政府管制言論嗎?#MeToo運動是小題大作嗎?異性戀是天生的嗎?人類有責任保護多元文化嗎? 那生態呢?人類有責任保護生態嗎?面對這些麻煩問題,作者除了闡述論點並回應不同意見,也主動說明自己使用的論證方式和所需的知識資源, 並且自我提問,鼓勵讀者質疑思辨和建立自己觀點。
鈴芽之旅 新海誠 MFC N2-01 (中學中文少年小說類) 從遇見尋找著「門」的青年那一刻起,踏上不可思議的神祕旅程。 十七歲的少女鈴芽和阿姨住在九州靜謐的海港城鎮。某天上學途中,鈴芽與一名俊美的青年擦身而過。 想要前往「廢墟」的青年,說著他在「尋找門」。鈴芽追著他,來到了山中的廢墟,在那裡的只有一扇陳舊的白門, 彷彿遭逢崩壞,而被獨自遺留下來。彷彿被某種東西吸引般,鈴芽朝著門伸出手──
The boy in the striped pyjamas : a fable Various,Parko Polo,Mariani Federico MF BOY (中學英文少年小說類) Some things are just sitting there, minding their own business, waiting to be discovered. Like America. And other things are probably better off left alone' Nine-year-old Bruno has a lot of things on his mind. Who is the 'Fury'? Why did he make them leave their nice home in Berlin to go to 'Out-With' ? And who are all the sad people in striped pyjamas on the other side of the fence? The grown-ups won't explain so Bruno decides there is only one thing for it - he will have to explore this place alone. What he discovers is a new friend. A boy with the very same birthday.A boy in striped pyjamas. But why can't they ever play together?
Nothing's wrong! : a hare, a bear, and some pie to share Jory John SE FLY(小學英文繪本類) It’s the perrrfect day for a picnic! But oh-no. Anders does not seem like himself. He and his friend Jeff are headed for a spectacular afternoon together, but no matter how much Anders insists that he’s feeling just fine, Jeff gets the sense that his best friend isn’t being totally honest. Jeff doesn’t know what to do. Give him space? Stand by his side? Pretend that absolutely nothing’s wrong?? How can he be a good friend if he doesn’t know what Anders might need?
Cookie & Broccoli 3 : Book of secrets! Bob McMahon SEF COO (小學英文兒童小說類) NShh...Cookie and Broccoli's lips are sealed! That is, until the whole school happens upon Broccoli's hiding spot and overhears his super-secret nickname—and are much more encouraging than he expected. Then, Talking Rock gives the duo a cryptic clue to solving Broccoli’s boredom—the solution is the opposite of boredom. Well, the opposite of boredom is the Funnest Thing Ever, right? Cookie and Broccoli try a silly screaming contest, a bubble-blowing party, and a real-life food pyramid, but the true Funnest Thing Ever might have been in front of them all along. And it’s even more enjoyable when it’s not a secret anymore!


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
貓頭鷹騎士 克利斯多佛・丹尼斯 EC N0-02 (小學中文繪本類) 從孵出的那天開始,貓頭鷹就立定志向:他要當個騎士! 騎士,是站在城堡圍牆上保護人民的英雄! 但,英雄一定要高大壯碩、會殺怪獸或打敵人嗎? 不,這是一隻改寫英雄定義的貓頭鷹騎士! 你看!站在封面的這隻小小貓頭鷹,抬頭挺胸、充滿自信,雄赳赳氣昂昂的站在城堡上。 此時,一隻惡龍卻悄悄從牠的身後靠近……接下來會發生什麼事呢?
寫給中學生看的AI課 : AI生態系需要文理兼具的未來人才 蔡宗翰 BMC 004(中學中文知識類) AI沒有辦法隨機應變,卻能取代50%人類工作。但別擔心,你可以先建立AI的核心素養! AI雖是顯學,卻又讓人望而生畏,誰不必擔心被AI淘汰?誰可以搭上AI熱潮?文科生跨領域學習AI並不少見,即使是理科生, 也同樣要學習如何發掘問題、尋找解題方向,並且培養主動積極的思考力、研究力、團隊力! AI會越來越跨領域,既包羅萬象,就會需要各種不同的人才。不管是文科生、理科生,都可以學習AI、運用AI、打造AI!」
每個孩子都要知道的犯罪預防安全自救手冊 學研Plus BC 528 (小學中文知識類) 可疑的陌生人喜歡在哪裡出沒?被歹徒騷擾時該如何保護自己? 看起來和善的人也可能是壞人?隨身警報器真的有那麼重要嗎? 網路留言也有可能觸犯法律嗎?網路交友也存在著未知的風險? 在網路上如何避免讓個資外洩?和朋友發生衝突時該如何化解? 生活中潛藏許多我們不知道何時會遇到的危險,就讓這本書來為孩子上一堂犯罪預防的課程吧!
100 things to know about foodchildhood Various,Parko Polo,Mariani Federico BE 427 (小學英文知識類) This informative book is filled with 100 fascinating facts about food, from how to grow a burger in a laboratory to how many bees it takes to fill an orchard with apples. With bright, infographic-style illustrations, detailed facts on every page, a glossary and index, plus internet links to specially selected websites for more information.
Fly Guy 17 : Fly Guy's big family Tedd Arnold SE FLY(小學英文系列繪本類) Fly Guy misses his family. So when Fly Guy's not looking, Buzz plans him a surprise party and invites his whole family-including all his brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, and mother and father. When the time comes for the party, will Fly Guy be surprised?
Narwhal and Jelly 1 : Narwhal : unicorn of the sea! Ben Clanton SEF NAR (小學英文兒童小說類) Narwhal is a happy-go-lucky narwhal. Jelly is a no-nonsense jellyfish. The two might not have a lot in common, but they do they love waffles, parties and adventures. Join Narwhal and Jelly as they discover the whole wide ocean together.


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
有朝一日, 安然長眠 = : Someday, the day go to sleep 戌淳 MFC I6-04 (中學中文少年小說類) 高二女生螢在修學旅行途中遭遇車禍,失去了生命。引路人黑黑出現在她面前,告訴她,如果不消除留在這個世界上的三大罣礙, 就無法成佛升天。螢發現其中一個罣礙,就是至今仍然沒有向單戀了五年的蓮告白,然而,當她面對蓮的時候, 無論如何都無法把內心的感情說出口⋯⋯是什麼秘密,讓螢終於下定了決心?
學霸斜槓plus魯蛇逆襲 簡單 BMC 789(中學中文知識類) 每個人都有不同的特質,每個人都可以活出屬於自己的精彩人生!然而,我們卻常被世俗的觀點與旁人的眼光禁錮, 以致自廢武功,捨棄了最寶貴的選擇權。本書中有20位職人的故事,介紹了他們不按「常軌」運行, 「跳TONE」但超級精彩的人生,希望能讓正在探索未來,甚至已經面臨生涯抉擇的孩子看見:原來,成 績好不一定只能填「所謂的第一志願」;原來,成績不好也有路可以走; 原來,世界上有這麼多有趣的職行業;原來,人生還有這麼多種可能性!讓我們一起活出更精彩的人生!
小學生的調查任務 : 發現驚奇圖書館 林怡辰 EC P1-01 (小學中文繪本類) 小莉轉學到新的學校,百般聊賴的她,隨意走在校園中,看到了圖書館。 這是什麼地方?」小莉好奇的走了進去。她不知道,即將迎來的是一長串圖書館知識冒險任務…… ●要怎麼運用學校裡的圖書館? ●如何才能找到自己喜歡的書呢? ●寫作業、寫報告時,圖書館資源也能派上用場嗎? ●當圖書館裡沒有相關的書時,怎麼查其他資料? ●找了好多的資料喔!不過要怎麼整理啊…… ●有其他有趣又特別的圖書館嗎? ●什麼是主題式閱讀,又該如何進行呢? ●想把自己看過的所有書和資訊分享給大家,該如何做呢?
Kid activists : true tales of childhood from champions of change Robin Stevenson BE 780 (小學英文知識類) Moving, relatable, and totally true childhood biographies of Martin Luther King Jr., Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller, Malala Yousafzai, and 12 other inspiring activists.Every activist started out as a kid—and in some cases they were kids when their activism began! But even the world’s greatest champions of civil liberties had relatable interests and problems--often in the middle of extraordinary circumstances. Martin Luther King, Jr. loved fashion, and argued with his dad about whether or not dancing was a sin. Harvey Milk had a passion for listening to opera music in different languages.
One hundred reasons to hope Danielle Brown EE O(小學英文繪本類) "For all those finding it difficult: the sun will shine on you again and the clouds will go away. Remember that tomorrow will be a good day." Captain Sir Tom wished to celebrate many other inspirational stories from this uncertain time, and with his blessing, these one hundred stories make a book of hope for the future.These one hundred stories of hope - written by Paralympian Danielle Brown MBE - show just how extraordinarily we can work together. We feature well-known stories such as Joe Wicks' family workouts, as well as equally astonishing stories of everyday heroes, such as dancing binmen and fancy-dress postal workers, who brought joy to their neighbourhoods. These are stories of courage and community, of everyday kindness and perseverance.
Small's Big Dream Manjeet Mann EE S(小學英文繪本類) Small lived in a small house.She had a small room with a small window and at night. She slept in a small bed with a too small blanket. Despite being small,Small had BIG dreams. In Small’s world, everything is small – her shoes, her bed, everything. But her dreams are big. And Small discovers that when you dream big, anything–and everything–can happen.


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
將我溫柔裝訂成冊 相澤沙呼 FC L2-02 (小學中文少年小說類) 如果說,架上這些書,都是等待著誰來閱讀的話——或許我也一直希望有人來讀「我」這本書。 忽然覺得,那些書架上的書,好像我們。彼此陌生卻莫名其妙被塞進一個侷促的教室裡, 不知道會被取什麼綽號、換上什麼樣的封面?更無從得知自己的故事將會如何發展…… 只要模仿強勢的同學、追隨受歡迎的同學,不要多話,跟著大家咯咯大笑就好。 明明很懂這種生存之道,我卻還是誤踩地雷了——屏住呼吸、怯懦不安的孤獨心靈,在圖書室裡與「書本」相遇了—— 不再寂寞、不再害怕被無邊際的黑洞吞噬,終於鼓起勇氣,擁抱內在的真實自我。 一起翻開名為「我」的故事,也希望能夠讀一讀「你」的故事。
小學生的未來志願教室:改變孩子未來的思考閱讀系列5 元在吉 BC 520-2(小學中文知識類) 成為大人之後,一定要工作嗎?即使學習不好也可以做想做的事情嗎?擅長的事情和喜歡的事情中,哪一個作為職業比較好? 沒有夢想是藉口,夢想太多也是藉口……。每個人選擇職業時的標準不同,有些人會根據賺的錢多寡來選擇職業, 也有人懷抱使命感,選擇貢獻服務的公益志業,或是擁有許多斜槓體驗的職業。 本書透過探究這些問題的思辯過程,帶領孩子探索未來職業的可能!
災難來了我有準備! : 35個孩子一定要知道的防災守則 山村武彥 EC H10-01 (小學中文繪本類) 你是不是覺得「災害不會發生在我身邊」呢? 你和家人有討論過災害發生時應該怎麼辦嗎? 你知道「緊急避難包」裡要裝些什麼東西嗎? 本書收錄了35個孩子一定要知道的防災守則,搭配極易理解且生活化的插圖解說各種情境,循序漸進的從心理、行動、應變等方面逐一說明 、解釋,並歸納了災難發生前的準備、實際發生時應採取的行動,以及面對不同類型災難的保命方法。
Pokémon super extra deluxe essential handbook : the need-to-know stats and facts on over 875 characters! Scholastic BE 996 (小學英文知識類) With 560 color pages and info on over 875 Pokémon, this is a must-have for kids of all ages.If you want to catch 'em all, you gotta read about 'em all! This revised and updated edition of the mega-bestselling Essential Handbook and Super Deluxe Essential Handbook has all the stats and facts kids need to know about the world of Pokémon. Essential information on over 875 Pokémon is jam-packed into 560 illustrated, full-color pages.
Fog magic Sauer, Julia L. FE SAU(小學英文少年小說類) OGreta had always thought that there was a secret hidden in the fog--the soft gray mist that rolled in from the sea and drifted over the village. Then one day when Greta was walking in the woods and the mist was closing in, she saw the dark outline of a stone house-- a house where no house had stood for a hundred years. Then Greta saw a surrey come by, carring a lady dressed in plum--colored silk. The woman beckoned for Greta to join her, and soon Greta found herself on and adventure that would take her back to a past that existed only through the magic of the fog.
The Dark Elf trilogy 1 : Homeland Salvatore, R. A., MSF DAR (中學系列少年小說類) As the third son of Mother Malice and weaponmaster Zaknafein, Drizzt Do'Urden must be sacrificed to Lolth, the evil Spider Queen, per the traditions of their matriarchal drow society. But with the unexpected death of his older brother, young Drizzt is spared--though still at the mercy of his abusive sisters. As Drizzt grows older, and proves himself to be a formidable warrior at Melee-Magthere Academy, he realizes his idea of good and evil does not match up with those of his fellow drow, who show only cruelty to the other races of the Underdark . . . Can Drizzt stay true to himself in a such an unforgiving, unprincipled world?


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
有你真好 : 點亮友情一盞燈 麗池克萊姆 EC J0-01 (小學中文繪本類) 生活難免有高低起伏,感到寂寞、不安時,覺得自己在孤島,得不到支持,渺小到看不見自己,彷彿一片烏雲飄過眼前……。《有你真好 點亮友情一盞燈》這本溫暖的書告訴我們,只要一句簡單的鼓勵、溫暖的肯定、加上一點點的勇氣,就能看見生活中的美好事物,找回繼續向前的動力,驅散心中的烏雲,讓陽光灑進我們的生活,歡笑每一天。
12歲之前一定要學4:訂定計畫&時間管理 伊之文 BC 177-4(小學中文知識類) 書中有懂得很多時間管理祕訣的時鐘老師,以及不同個性卻同為「管理時間」所苦惱的動物小夥伴,他們透過生動漫畫的案例分享和解說,以及有趣又需動腦想一想的遊戲方式,陪著孩子一起認識自己、面對問題,以及解決困擾。不但有助減少親子衝突,還能促進親子間的互相體諒,同時避免孩子陷入因事情沒做完而感到不安與後悔的負面情緒漩渦。
投給我! = : VOTE FOR ME! 班.克蘭頓 EC H10-01 (小學中文繪本類) 兔「帥哥美女,笑得這麼好看,把票投給驢子吧!」驢子說。   「別聽驢子胡說,投給大象才是聰明的選擇!」大象說。   「你真的要投給我,因為我是最棒的!」驢子又說。   「最棒的笨驢子?」大象插嘴。   「投給我,送你棒棒糖!」驢子大喊。   「如果你投給他,你就一點都不棒!投給我,我給你花生。」大象吼叫。 驢子和大象都希望你把手中珍貴的一票投給他! 一場超好笑又花招百出的拉票開始了, 聽聽看候選人是怎麼介紹自己的, 你想投給誰呢?
Life skills for kids Harris, Karen. BE 328 (小學英文知識類) Life Skills for Kids is the perfect gift for boys and girls! With the help of this guide, kids can learn foundation skills such as the basics in cooking, handling emergencies, communication skills, setting goals, running appliances, and so much more! Complete with cute illustrations heading each chapter, this book is sure to help your loved ones master necessary life skills!
Mary wears what she wants Negley, Keith. EE M(小學英文繪本類) Once upon a time (but not that long ago), girls only wore dresses. And only boys wore pants. Until one day, a young girl named Mary had an idea: She would wear whatever she wanted. And she wanted to wear pants! This bold, original picture book encourages readers to think for themselves while gently challenging gender and societal norms.
In the Name of the Otherworld Lee, Hermione. MSF DAR (中學系列少年小說類) Regarded as a witch and alienated by the majority of her peers, fourteen-year-old orphan Alexandria Richardson wants to be anybody but herself. However, this all changes one day, when the mysterious fountain in her school transports her and her three classmates to a world of magic- the Otherworld. The four of them are brought to the palace of the Otherworld on the rulers' orders, and the shocking truth of Alexandria's identity and parentage is revealed. As Alexandria then participates in a miraculous adventure with her companions, she explores the depths of courage, kindness, and friendship. But will she make it safely back to the Otherworld? Or will she eventually yield to her biggest enemy, someone no other than herself?It's not just an adventure. It's a journey of growth and redemption.