Have fun! Be a scientist! Children create their most meaningful understanding of how the world works through experiments that allow trial and error. Authentic learning engagements give students a chance to engage in collaborative problem solving and build their critical thinking skills. Teams work together to design, produce, test and record their observations. The cumulative outcome is presenting their findings to a peer audience for review and reflecting upon the knowledge gained by going through the process. 21st century learners must be able to connect with the needs of our planet and the living things that share it. Working together with experienced STEM instructors and their peers, students will not only be learning about terms and processes but experiencing science first hand.
創意動手玩科學,康橋小小科學家體驗學習!在康橋的英語自然課裡,老師們鼓勵學生發揮創意透過手作實驗活動,並且期待孩子們能夠在反覆試驗與嘗試錯誤,真正成為自已學習的主人。科學是一種體驗學習,而非死記硬背書本上的知識,讓學習可以更主動、更內化!檢討分析成功及或不成功的原因,進而思考改良設計。學生在團體中學習與他人合作進行設計、製作、測試與記錄過程中,培養其溝通協調能力,透過這樣的學習方式訓練學生的批判思考、問題解決能力、培養團隊精神以及反思能力!上台發表時,也同時練習了英語口說能力和上台簡報技巧。這都是成為一位年輕優秀的科學家所應該具有的能力。   21世紀的學生們需要足夠的能力才能面對及解決未來世界許多未知的問題!學生們跟著老師一同探索科學的奧秘,學習用自已的視野及方式來主導體驗學習,以動手作科學實驗取代背誦艱澀的科學專有名詞及實驗過程!康橋期望培育孩子們能有足夠地勇氣及自信面對未來世界的挑戰!